Our "Selfie" Culture

Having spent several days in St. Augustine, much of that on the beach, I have been surprised how many people spend a large amount of time taking pictures of themselves.  It seems to be an epidemic of people who want to take pictures of their faces and bodies.  They spend half their time looking at their phone camera and posing.  

I assume they are taking these pictures to post on social media for people to admire and post complimentary comments.  After watching 1 in particular yesterday, she was going to have a whole page of "selfies" of her in a florescent green bathing suit and cover-up.  Because the cover-up was very sheer, it didn't cover much!  She ignored her family and just walked and took pictures  of herself.  

What a shame for she was standing on a beautiful beach with  sun  glinting off the waves as they crested and rolled in.  The sun was shining and the wind was blowing a cool breeze which made a perfect beach day to enjoy with a family and friends.  Her little boy and husband had a great time and she missed it all taking pictures of herself.  

Several people were doing the same thing and wasting a great day to enjoy the ocean and friends, the sun and cool breeze.  It seems it is a need to validate who they are and that everyone thinks they are beautiful.  How sad, for out self-worth comes from the inside not the outside facade.  

I have friends who post new pictures of themselves many days a week and most have been altered with photo software to look different than the real person.  Wonder what they are needing from their friends to make them feel secure and happy?  Most are beautiful people, loved and appreciated and I hope they will know that we love and like them. 

This has created a "me" society that can be selfish and everything is about me and mine.  Scripture tells us in 1 Peter 3:

3Do not let your adorning be external — the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear — 4but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God 's sight is very precious.

My mama used to tell me when I  was impressed with my looks, "Pretty is as pretty does."  End of discussion as far as she was concerned.  She often told us that the looks on the outside are temporary but what we are in the heart is permanent.  This good advice is for everyone. She was a wise lady. 

I know it is whistling in the wind, but I sure hope my friends who are obsessing with selfies, will know that we love then not for their looks but who they are.  Love ya'll.

The Georgia Peach writing again

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