2025 IS HERE

2024, as all years, had good days and some not  so good days.  All years we live are composed of both and we enjoy the good ones and cope with the difficult ones.  The older I get, I have learned to place all my days in my Heavenly Father’s hands and leave them there for He knows what is best.  This gives me peace and joy which I cherish more each year. 

This past year has been eventful for us in many ways.  We have traveled to England, Scotland, the western Caribbean, Kentucky and of course our beloved St. Augustine and the beach. We have made many new friends and enjoyed the company of our friends who live nearby.  Our experiences have broadened not only our circle of friends but our enjoyment of this beautiful world that God has made.  

Touring the islands to riding the bus through the highlands of Scotland, it is evident that only the Creator of the Universe could create such beauty.  I think the Scottish highlands were my favorite because I could picture my family many generations ago, herding the sheep and living on those lands. It was an amazing experience

A new ministry was given to me by my Father this year and I am cherishing each moment.  I am blessed to have a Bible study at our local hospital’s Senior Living Center and I am learning  more than I teach, for there is an enormous amount of wisdom in the lives of those who attend the study.  It is a humbling experience and I have learned to listen as well as teach God’s Word to these sweet people.  I am so thankful for this opportunity and ministry.

Like all years there were times when I was saddened by the passing of friends to be with the Lord, difficulties in some of our lives  but there was also new life born into our family.  The circle of  life turns gently and carries joy and sadness.  I am so thankful that my Lord is there through all these times. His presence comforts us at all times and gives joy and peace always.  

As I enter the new year of 2025, I hope I am not only older but wiser, more loving and forgiving, and ready to learn more about the Lord and His word.  

I pray that each person who reads this rambling, will have a blessed New Year.


Shalom and Happy New Year 



 It is Saturday afternoon in the South in late August through Thanksgiving and all is quiet.  All you can hear is the sound of a football game on the TV, an occasional loud yell, a shushing sound, and of course eating and drinking.  It is time for SEC football and the whole south is watching on TV, listening on the radio, or if lucky enough to be sitting in the stadium of their favorite school.  Football reigns in the south and of course it has to be the SEC. 

You don’t have to be a graduate or alumni of the school of your choice, but you have to choose your football team by the 1st grade.  In Alabama, it is Alabama or Auburn - Roll Tide or War Eagle.  Georgia is UGA or Georgia Tech, Mississippi is State or Old Miss and the roll call goes on for each Southern state. 

You may move to another state but you stay loyal to your school choice.  It’s like I told someone recently, “You can take the girl out of Alabama but you can’t take Roll Tide out of the girl”. It  is a lifelong choice. Anytime I see an Alabama hat or shirt, I just say “Roll Tide” and you always get one back with a smile.  That tot.al stranger is now a friend!!

I have greeted people with “ Roll Tide” in international airports, cruise ships, and foreign countries and always get it back with a smile.  Instant friends!!  I love it for “we” are everywhere.

This is not true just for Alabama but also any SEC team.  You can say “War Eagle”, “Go Dogs”, or any SEC school and find kindred spirits. Football in the South is a long-standing and proud tradition which  we treasure and will defend.

Husbands and wives in a household split by rival teams, will not talk much when their team is playing each other. If you hear Roll Tide and Go Dogs in the same house, there will be instant silence.  It’s best on those days to watch  the game on separate TVs in different rooms.  Tempers can flare a little and I have learned not to brag too much when Roll Tide wins.  

Win or lose, we remain loyal to our team and it can last for generations.  We teach our “little ones” to say Roll Tide when they begin to talk.  It is a big deal in the South so if you happen to move into our neck of the woods, just get used to it, for we stop the world to watch or listen to our team play football.  If this is not your game, you might want to just go fishing or shopping.  

Football is my game but only if it is SEC!!