I welcomed 2020 as I usually do, in the bed, with the TV on, almost asleep and watching the ball drop in Central Square.  At my age, sleep followed quickly and I dreamed of some new adventures in this coming year.  I never dreamed the year 2020 would become a historic year for the entire world. 

We had planned a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas as my first, ever, cruise and I was so excited.  Lindsay has been on many and kept telling me I would like it and I did.  It was too short and we planned to take another one maybe in the fall of the year.  

Another trip to Israel was also planned for October!  A few years ago we had visited there and left wanting to go back for we loved every minute we experienced in the Holy Land.  Our Interim pastor, Rev. Ken Hall was giving us another opportunity and we were so excited.  It was our highlight event of the year!

Sadly, Coronavirus COVID 19 strain began to enter our world in the latter part of March.  This, often deadly, disease soon spread throughout the world and basically shut it down. We were asked to wear masks, stay in place at home, socially distance - 6 feet, from other people, and go out only when necessary.  It was a disaster like none I have experienced in my life.  

We followed all the rules.  Our routine changed to wearing masks anytime we went anywhere other than home, washing our hands after touching most anything, no eating out, did not travel to see family or friends, church services were cancelled and our lives became very different.  

I had to begin sanitizing everything we touched if we handled anything outside our home.  In fact, finding sanitizing supplies became almost impossible.  There was a shortage of sanitizing sprays, bleach, sanitizing wipes, and cleaners intended to give us a virus free environment.  

Staying at home was not too difficult for us because we are home-bodies and like to just putter around home.  The most difficult change for us was watching worship services and Sunday School online. We were thankful we had the technology to stream the services but it was so sad not to be able to gather together with our friends for worship and fellowship.  The computer became our lifeline to the outside world which is so impersonal.  I missed the warm hugs, bright smiles, and singing God’s praises in church.  It was just not enough but glad we had the technology to keep in touch with others. 

We finally were able to go to our condo in St. Augustine for several weeks and  “stayed in place” there for a few weeks.  Walking the beach helped since we didn’t have to wear a mask outside.  It was a wonderful break from the tedious life we were living at home and we planned to go back soon and often.

Then it happened!  What we had tried to avoid by following all the guidelines given by the CDC - we both tested positive for COVID 19 and I spent 5 days in the hospital trying to keep my oxygen level normal and fighting pneumonia. That was the sickest I had ever been and I still have fatigue and shortness of breath 5 months later.  Thankfully Lindsay was not as sick and was able to stay at home.  

Sadly, our trip to Israel was cancelled and we have continued our “shelter in place” life at home.  We can now go to church wearing a mask, sitting at least 6 feet apart, limited seating and all the other guidelines observed for our safety.  It is better than streaming services but I miss the warm hugs. 

Life is so different but we are alive and well and that is a blessing but this year has been difficult, different and life-changing for most of us.  We have learned to treasure the good times and try not to dwell on the hard times.  God is sufficient to help us make it through this experience but I believe life will never be the same as it was again.  There is a “new normal” for all of us and some of it is for a better life but  I will miss some of the life we had.  That is for another posting.  

The world continues to turn, we will keep on keeping on, and trust in our Heavenly Father to guide through the days ahead.  God is good and His mercy is everlasting and I will leave the future in His hands. 

Have a great day and Happy New Year to 2021  

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