I have noticed that some words are vanishing from our conversations these days.  Wondering where they are hiding, I thought maybe you could help me find them for I miss them immensely.  What are these words? Well let me tell you about them.

If you were raised in the South by Southern parents, there were some words you could say aloud and some you either didn’t say or think.  You learned at an early age that Mama and Daddy would chastise you if you said some words that you might hear your friends say but were never used in our home.  Mama and Daddy did not use them, at least where we could hear, and expected us to abide by the same standard. 

Now I heard Mama say that Daddy used to cuss a little when they got married but never in her presence.  You see, Mama was a “preacher’s kid” and  her mother was raised by by Baptist parents who did not abide “bad words” to come out her mouth or theirs. Not sure they used the method of washing out the mouth with soap but I highly suspect it was a swat on the behind.  That's what it was at our house. 

However, curse words or “cuss words” are not what I am referring to in this rambling story. The “vanishing words” I want to talk about  are those sweet words you love to hear that make you feel appreciated and valued. 

Some that I miss the most are “Thank you”.  We were taught to always say thank you when someone did something for you or gave you a gift.  If we didn’t say “Thank you” when someone passed us the biscuits, fried chicken, or whatever at meals, we were gently reminded by Mama that we had not thanked the person who had passed us the food.  We were also expected to thank the cook after a meal for the delicious food always served at home. 

If we received a gift from anyone, a “Thank You” note was written within 24 hours and mailed as soon as possible.  This was a chore sometimes but it was expected and we always wrote those notes in our own handwriting even if they were printed when we were children. It was a courtesy that I am glad we were taught for it seems to have vanished in today’s world.  

 It is so good to receive an acknowledgement of a gift from the person who received it. When I give a gift to someone, I have spent time, some money, and a part of me is in each gift.  If I don’t get at least an email saying thank you, I am hurt and disappointed.  It only takes a minute and means so much to the giver of the gift.  

Thank you is so easy to say and shows appreciation for what someone has done for you so please help me find these words again.

“Yes Mrs. Milikin” or “Yes ma'am” and the reverse  “No Mrs. Milikin or No Ma’am” have seemed to have vanished with the wind.  Most often I hear yeah, naw.  “No thank you or Yes thank you” are rarely heard and I miss them immensely.  Where have they gone? Wish I could find them. 

“Please” seems to have flown away also.  It is such a little word that makes serving or giving something to someone a pleasant experience rather than wondering where are their manners?  I hope it reappears because I miss it. 


There are other words we all miss but the sweetest words any of us can hear are “I love you”.  Please don’t forget to tell those loved ones that you love them for it makes life sweeter and we all want to be loved. Just be sure you mean what you say for if you don’t they can also hurt.  

Mama would have a “hissy fit” if she could hear some of the conversations today for I hear and read lots of “cuss” words from women, men and children.  It is amazing how our language has deteriorated into coarse, crude words that grate on my ears.  It bothers me that it is accepted by many and is normal conversation.  It shows a lack of self-respect which is sad for when we lose respect for ourselves we lose respect for others.  So sad and makes me very sad. 

I taught my children these same courtesies and am proud to say they use them even today as adults. It is good to know they heard what we said when they were growing up. Thank you to my Becky and Roy.

Where have these words gone?  I don’t know but I hope we can find them because they make our world a kinder and gentler place to live.  

Well, I have rambled long enough and will now drink my hot chocolate and tell my husband “ I love you” and “Thank you” for preparing my drink for me. 

The Georgia/Bama Lady 


Jeff Taylor said...

Thank you for encouraging 'common' courtesies. We need reminders.

Frances said...

I know I am old fashioned but so be it .

Steven F said...

Thank You Mam

Steven F said...

Thank You Mam